Thursday, March 28, 2013

The New iPhone 6 to be release is it real or fake

I was browsing in the internet when i saw this interesting new gadgets " iPhone 6 " and it is really amazing but it is really annoying too.  we will know that they are releasing the latest gadgets iPhone 5 and that is the latest from iPhone gadgets. it is a bit frank joke when they are releasing such a hurry promotion. i really watch the movie and i really put it here in this article and i hope you made a good guest it is  frank joke or maybe a bit true and they are going to release this maybe in they near future or maybe this is real and they are waiting for the official release of iPhone 6.

Its a unique and amazing design just like an iPhone but the amazing is the new featured shown. it is awesome that there was own projector for its own monitor and there was also the keyboard projector. i really love to watch this video and i am all excited having this kind of new gadget ever made. cause i only watch some of this in movies and some other gadgets but not in mobile, i really appreciate when someone really invented this. i am really sure that many from around the world watch this video and they its a fake but some are hope that this gadgets are totally exist.

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